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be like water | erev rosh hashana d'var 5785

  🎶 Be easy, take your time, you are coming home to yourself, coming home to yourself. 🎶 We have gathered at the appointed time to bless the creation of this world. Yet as we gather, we continue to witness the devastation and despair that hurricane helene has left in its wake. And the Israeli govt is expanding its war, destroying homes and families and so many lives that represent entire worlds. and here we are.  Some of us feel rage, anxiety, or fear. Some of us are feeling discouraged, lonely or even uncertain what to feel. And some of us are feeling grateful for this opportunity to gather with beloveds or excited for the possibilities that can come as the new year is finally upon us. And i am sure that there is a mixture of some or all of these feelings. whatever and however you feel is just right and is welcome here. may it be so that this ritual, this spiritual technology that we have been gifted with, gives you just what you need right here and right now. 🎶Be easy, take your t
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