How do you spend your days?
I spend my days reading, doing homework and watching tv. The reading is my own personal training for organizing, I like reading Stokely Carmichael because it makes me feel validated. I read a lot of Buddhist texts too because I grew up in that culture but also it helps me find peace. I want to find a way to make that peace available for a lot of people. Specifically black youth.
What brings you joy?
Lots of things bring me joy. I love doing art and reading on other cultures, and Photography, but so far my number one love has been writing. I wrote a book a while ago and I've been editing it slowly but surely. One day i'll feel confident enough to send it somewhere. While it's painful and a necessity, activism makes me feel strong, and when I feel strong and proud I am happy, because my whole life I haven't had my voice heard and now that I'm being given so many opportunities to let my voice be heard.
What is liberation to you?
I think it has something to do with freedom, but freedom doesn't have the right connotation. It's more like existing with no fear. But liberation is constantly changing because it's not concrete.
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