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28 days --- 56 ways to be Young, Gifted and Black: Brianna Smith

How do you spend your days?

I spend my days working  and being awakened to my kids in my bed giggling and playing until I fully wake up. When not at work, I spend most days with my kiddos doing different things -- reading books, playing with toys, watching movies, making cookies and walking to go see daddy at work. My children make sure that my day is always full of some sort of laughter. 

What brings you joy? 

Honestly my family, the bound we all have -- my God given family and my chosen family. My children of course and my boo thang, my hubby Shaun definitely brings me a lot of joy. Food always makes me happy. Also a good book brings me joy. I hate to see it end if its a page turner. My faith brings me joy. The ability to be young and have such a strong connection with God and able to maintain it is joyful in itself. When I had a long day and my hubby plays in my hair and I fall asleep with no worries. Taking my bra off as soon as I get in the house is so liberating. Seeing my son becoming every super hero in the book or seeing my kids at the top of the steps when I get home from work jumping and giggling. The random booty rubs my hubby gives when we are watching tv together or hearing him yell at the game and laughing with so much joy and excitement. Seeing my mama push forward --that brings me joy.

What us liberation to you? 

Liberation is walking in your own truth, owning the skin you're in, free to do whatever your heart desires knowing that there isn't any limit to greatness or no maximum amount of greatness you can reach. Liberation is waking up everyday knowing that you are the most hated and loved person in this country and you still wake up with your head held high. Free to be the best version of yourself . To love who you want no matter gender, race or religion. To raise a son who isn't fearful of this world 


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