How do you spend your days?
I spend my days planning for the future and reaching my goals. I want to be affluent. Plain and simple. I want to freely travel the world, visit some places twice! Every day I set forth goals big or small and once I accomplish it that brings me peace.
What brings you joy?
My son. I never wanted kids and won't be having any more lol. Tristan gives me hope, patience, love that is limitless. I can not imagine a life without him. He is the fire that keeps me fueled. He is the key to my success.
What is liberation to you?
Liberation to me is human equality. We are not there yet, if someone is starving, hurt, we as people should not turn a blind eye simply because we are not hungry or we are not the ones being abused. Humanity needs humility. We need to work together as a whole. If we can do that the world as a whole would succeed. To get to a point where chaos is no longer, where Tristan can look at a person and simply see just a person

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