I work as a hospice nurse. I start early, work late, and I couldn't imagine doing anything else. It's such a gift to work with those who are facing the end of life. When I'm not at work, I'm spending time with my animals: Rooster the spotted hound, and Turk, the cat-shaped dog. Since I give so much emotional energy at work, most of my free time is spent recharging and finding ways to heal and recover on a daily basis.
The simplest of things fill my heart with joy! I've been accused more than once of having a child-like wonder for the world. I don't disagree. Every day I find something that makes me smile: watching my puppy sleep, watching our community chickens scratch and peck, all the sunsets, my mama's laugh over the phone, bright colors, smiles of strangers, good advertising, happy babies, dried mango. I try my best to experience the world around me.
I'm very committed to my friends and my friendships, so spending time and connecting with my people brings me life-sustaining, soul-enriching joy.
Liberation is when the breadth and depth of Black expression is truly respected, appreciated and encouraged. Liberation looks like every Black person being able to live to their maximum potential without fear. It looks like leadership reflecting the population and the return of FUBU.
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